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5 professional resume tips and tricks for you to know

آخر تحديث: 25 April، 2024

December 1, 2022

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5 professional resume tips and tricks for you to know

When writing a CV, you must put yourself in the business owner’s shoes. This article will review professional resume tips and tricks to help you quickly obtain a job interview.

Five professional resume tips and tricks.

Are you looking to make your resume stand out? Are you struggling to figure out the best way to showcase your skills and experience? Look no further – this paragraph has 5 professional tips and tricks to help you create an impressive resume.

  • Write a clear and precise career goal.

A career goal is the first thing employers see when browsing the CVs they receive. You should therefore write a clear, professional objective that attracts the reader’s attention and encourages him to get to know you better.

Be honest and creative in describing your ambition and talents that set you apart, and avoid copying and pasting the professional goal from other sites.

  • Add the appropriate keywords.

Modern technology has contributed to the promotion of the recruitment process; as soon as the employer announces a vacant job on one of the electronic recruitment sites, he begins receiving thousands of CVs from candidates looking for work across the region.

Employers will certainly not be able to see all the CVs that reach them, which is why they resort to online filtering tools to find CVs that suit the job requirements as employers use specific keywords (or keywords) to search for the appropriate CVs All you have to do is add these keywords that suit the job requirement being advertised.

You can also Show your creativity, leadership, and other skills, such as those specializing in problem-solving.

  • Add your professional experiences and training courses.

The Professional Experience section of your CV should include all your professional experiences related to the target area, the training courses you have acquired, and all your other professional achievements.

In case you do not have the required professional experience, you can add the period in which you worked as an intern in a company; for example, this indicates that you have some expertise related to the target field and that you are capable of performing the tasks that your manager will assign you in the future.

Your professional experience should include all tasks and projects in your previous positions.

  • Focus on language and design in your CV.

This is one of the most critical professional resume tips and tricks. Make sure to create a noticeable and effectively organized CV, use the appropriate punctuation and typing, and avoid grammatical and spelling mistakes.

 Make sure to read your CV repeatedly until it is free of errors, as this will show the employer that you are organized and take care of the most minor details.

  • Attach an introduction letter with your CV.

The introduction letter is critical for 44% of regional employers and can significantly impact the employment decision.

In fact, the introduction letter allows you to provide a summary of yourself; it also will enable you to shed light on your most meaningful achievements and professional skills and also helps you to display your skills in the best possible way, thus attracting the attention of the business owner and arousing his curiosity and as is the case with your CV, be sure to use language Clear and simple, focus on the desired job role and your most important professional accomplishments related to this role.

At the end of the letter, be sure to show your interest in working for the company and your desire to get a job interview as soon as possible.

We talked about five professional resume tips and tricks you need to know. Now let’s look at the common mistakes.

Errors in the CV may cost you the desired job.

Errors in the CV may cost you the desired job

Are you ready to land your dream job? Have you written a CV that is sure to impress any employer? Unfortunately, even the best-written CV can be let down by common errors. In this paragraph, we explore how simple mistakes in your CV can cost you the job you desire.

  • Using Unprofessional Email in your CV.

An email address such as (Live-4-love@gmail.com) might be a good idea for a teenage student, but it is totally inappropriate for a professional looking for a job in a company. And if you suspect the current Email is unprofessional, you can easily create another appropriate and intended for official handling.

  • CV Format is not adjustable.

Sending an unmodified copy of your CV may be the reason for not obtaining the job. Recruitment companies or the company’s recruiting officer may need to adjust the CV before sending it to the Recruitment Manager.

This means they may need to contact you again; To get another copy, it’s a cumbersome and slow process and causes the other candidates to outdo you.

  • Using an inappropriate CV file name.

It is necessary for the CV file on the computer to have a “professional” name; It is the first thing that recruitment officials look at. Save the file under the name “Biography of Muhammad Abdullah,” for example. (Mohammed Abdullah CV), and to avoid any other additions or descriptions.

  • Using unproven allegations in your CV.

Recruitment experts are advised to use hard facts that can be ascertained, such as years of experience, education, skills, and projects you worked on. Using phrases such as “the best marketing manager in the region” or “engineer known in the Middle East” is a resonant term that must be avoided altogether.

  • Not doing enough research for your CV.

One of the biggest mistakes that job applicants make is not conducting the necessary research to identify the skills that the company is looking for. It is essential to identify the employee’s specifications that the company wants and then mention your skills that fit with this specification in the CV.

If the employer does not find the skills the company is looking for in the CV, you will not be able to get the job, even if you already have those skills.

  • Including Salary details in your CV.

It is harmful to the applicant to include in the CV the details of the salary he is now receiving or the salary he desires; Because this negatively affects his negotiating ability later.

The company may be willing to pay $ 2,000, but you mentioned in the CV that you accept $ 1,800. You are the biggest loser of this process. The appropriate time to determine the compensation is during the job interview.

Things to consider when writing a CV.

5 professional resume tips and tricks for you to know

When writing a CV, consider the following professional resume tips and tricks:

  1. Sequencing and arranging ideas and preferring to use bold headlines to distinguish between them and other data
  2. It should be noted that the longer time is spent writing the CV, the stronger the steps toward success. Closer and more guaranteed.
  3. All CV pages must be of a single template of design and color, and it is preferable to use blue, black, or any dark color as it tends to be more formal.
  4. Consider the helpful briefing in writing the CV.
  5. Tables are preferred: they are considered the best way to arrange the various lists mentioned in the CV.
  6. It is essential to avoid spelling errors and grammar.
  7. When printing, consider using good, clean paper.
  8. Ensure that all contact information and Email written in the CV are correct.

Professional CV writing tools for you to know.

There are many services on the Internet that enable you to write a resume with high specifications. It provides ready-to-edit templates that you can directly edit in your browser and then download to the format that suits you.

CV-gulf is a site that allows you to write a resume with high specifications. The site is distinguished by enabling you to divide your CV into several sections, as it divides the CV into five parts, namely:

  • Personal information.
  • Qualifications.
  • Practical experiences.
  • Skills.
  • Achievements.

The site also allows you to choose a template for a CV from many templates and the ability to write a CV in more than one language. It helps you write a resume quickly, effectively, and in high quality.

This site allows you to write a resume in modern designs in multiple languages ​​within a few minutes, in addition to the option to download the CV in PDF format. You can download many free CV forms from the CV-gulf CVs store and then amend them with your details. And start customizing it to your convenience.

Suppose you are looking for a CV that has been creatively designed for you and does not resemble those ready-made and repeated template templates, and meets professional standards. In that case, we recommend that you use professional CV-gulf designers.

The site provides you with professional and professional writing from human resources experts from an influential objective career and keywords in addition to a creative and professional cover letter.

Q&A about professional resume tips and tricks.

Write a clear and precise career goal.
Add the appropriate keywords.
Add your professional experiences and training courses.
Focus on language and design in your CV.
Attach an introduction letter with your CV.
CV Format is not adjustable.
Using Unprofessional Email in your CV.
Using an inappropriate CV file name.
Using unproven allegations in your CV.
Employers will certainly not be able to see all the CVs that reach them, which is why they resort to online filtering tools to find CVs that suit the job requirements as employers use specific keywords (or keywords) to search for the appropriate CVs All you have to do is add these keywords that suit the job requirement being advertised.

Use our free CV builder if you need any support with your CV. You can choose from many free professional templates; you can also order free expert reviews or go premium for a full VIP service. Contact our office in Jaddah now. Click here.

To learn more about professional resume tips and tricks, we recommend you read the article How to make a professional CVWhat is the best Gulf CV format, and Use the best Arabic CV template.

بقلم Mohammad

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